Traditional block printing

This ancient and fine art of carving intricate designs onto wooden blocks dates back to the period of the Indus Valley Civilization. What started as a method of printing religious books and texts 4500 years ago, developed into a wonderful art form and found its wings in the Mughal era where ingenious design motifs were introduced. Today, it is coveted all over the world. Ironically, its popularity is also slowly leading to the extinction of this time-intensive craft.  A craft passed on from generation to generation, fathers and sons devoted to the authenticity of their legacy. At Paisleys and Palaces it is our endeavour to protect the purity and magic of this beautiful practice that carries with it, the smell of the earth.

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Traditional block printing
This ancient and fine art of carving intricate designs onto wooden blocks dates back to the period of the Indus Valley Civilization.
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